Design & Component of Electric Hydronics Heating System
In the market, various types of Hydronic systems are available. You can have easy access to these Hydronic systems. The best solution depends on various factors like energy efficiency, the level of comfort the client desires, and the types of flooring used in the home.
Electric Hydronics uses a liquid or water solution to heat the entire home. It comprises a heat source and a network of pipes that easily transport the hot water to the different parts of the home.
In this blog, let's explore the design & components involved in the Hydronic Heat Pump.
Components of Hydronic Heating System
Various types of Hydronic heating solutions are available in the market, and all have a few common components-
Heat Source
The boiler is the heating source usually installed in the base of the building. An electric boiler or oil-fired boiler is used to heat the gas-fired water boiler. Some devices also use a mixture of this heating system to warm up the water. The boiler can warm up the water from 30 degrees centigrade to 94 degrees centigrade.
Centrifugal Pumps
They are also called circulators, and they transport the fluids from the heat source, like radiators installed in different rooms. The circulator converts the rotational kinetic energy into hydrodynamic energy, and this rotational kinetic energy comes from the engine.
Expansion Tanks
They are very much essential in the closed-loop heating system. They absorb the expanding fluid; try to keep the pressure within the permissible limits at all the points of the system. In other words, this structure is only meant to accommodate the expansion of water during the heating and cooling cycle without allowing the machine to exceed the maximum pressure limits.
Air Separator
When the water is heated inside the heat source, air bubbles are produced, which can lead to corrosion in the heating systems. The bubbles formed also decrease the heat permeability and reduce the efficiency. There comes the use of an air separator that stops air bubbles forming.
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